Thursday, October 23, 2008


So my absentee ballot arrived finally. I will of course be voting for Florida even though I am back in NY. I am glad that I will be able to participate and do my part in this all too important election. For many reasons my choice of candidate I feel will finally make a difference. Not because of his age or color , but because so far he is the first person , in my lifetime , that I have actually heard speak his mind. He has made points about things that most people are afraid to even speak of. And i feel more than ever that there could possibly be a move in a positive direction in the country in which we live.
And on a sidenote , WHEN Obama wins ;) , besides too many americans getting out their warmest winter wear because hell will have frozen over , I will start my search for the 2016 candidate who will of course be a Black Lesbian Jew .


Bridge said...

I love your political side.
Hell will not freeze over, America is a lot smarter than we give them credit for. Your like a snowbird Shanny, did John get his ballot too?

Bridge said...

Many people are inspired by Obama, including Colin Powell and many republicans across America. I am loving it here in Colorado where hunters come in with their camo on asking for pins and stickers. Veterans are so pro-Obama and just yesterday a little Catholic women in her late 80's told me how she prays for him everyday and has been saying a Novena for his election.

Too many uninformed people are buying into fear tactics used by the republicans. Today we received 3 robo calls talking about Obama= Terrorist. Did you see that lady on SNL news last week?


Aubrey said...

I'm giddy with excitement over this election. I think he is just what we need! I'm still working on my mail-in ballot but a check mark is already filled in for Obama/Biden!!

Thanks for stopping by earlier!!

Anonymous said...

i would totally vote for a black lesbian jew. just because!

Anonymous said...

hey textile nazi, i went over to read ride the waves of life this morning and it was set to invited readers only. has it gone totally private or can i get an invite? let me know.

Anonymous said...

no problem....thanks for getting back to me about it... i was worried.

looking forward to the return.